Sunday, 21 September 2008

Jack Llewelyn Davies


At 1 October 2008 at 08:09 , Blogger Atticus said...

Yes, Henri, I agree that does sound typical of Barrie's whimsy, especially when one imagines it being spoken by him. The effect can be gauged by listening to his brief speeches on surviving newsreel footage.

At 2 October 2008 at 21:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back to the blogesphere Henri ( I think it is mercury retro inspired). Very interesting, truth fictionalised or fiction made into truth. I wonder if Barrie knew he was telling a fib or it was just his recollection distorting the past...?

At 15 October 2008 at 16:52 , Blogger Henri Llewelyn Davies said...

Dear Atticus and Gondal-girl, many thanks for your comments.

(and yes, mercury just went direct again after its three week or so stint retrograde - a hard one for Virgos this time, I reckon, not just Geminis. [And maybe some Taureans, too, Atticus!])

At 21 October 2008 at 16:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know what it is about Mercury Retrograde, it puts me in a funk, like a cat with the wind in its ears....wish I could learn to work with it more effectively....oh dear, an obvious virgo sounding comment.....


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